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Holistic practitioner for 20 years. Facilitator training courses and individual sessions.

- Connected conscious breathing and creative thinking (Rebirth training Leonard Orr)

- Internship Sudarshan Kriya yoga breathing with the Art of Living

- Modern and African dance, free dance Malkowski. Yoga-dance.

- Bio-beautician

- Sophrologue

- Relaxologue

- Energy Touching : Shiatsu - Ayurveda - shamanic

- Mandala Mandala-meditation and therapy-mandala (Marc-Alain Descamps)

Marie-Pré Studies (neuro-pedagogy and mandala)

These 33 years of research, practice and personal experience as I continue through these different medias and personal stories, I offer you today with joy and humility and hope they lead us to evolve equi-free with the Universe, to re-feel and thus regain our reality to be Light, Joy, Love and Peace that we are all together.


Painter, Clay sculpture, art therapy.

Opening of our possibilities in contact with the clay, colors and sounds.

All the alchemical magic that we are just waiting to be revealed.

What a wonderful adventure to live, to Re-giving!

Several years of coaching experience in rebirth.

Practice energy touching at the center  "Breath & Freedom Dordogne".


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